How Is A Deep Teeth Cleaning Different?

Have you always wondered why the dentist takes a probe and uses it to measure the depth of the pockets between your gums and teeth? They are looking for signs of gum recession, and if you are a candidate for a deep dental cleaning. This type of cleaning is different from standard dental cleaning because it helps clean out the hard-to-access area caused by those deep gum pockets. Here is what you need to know about what happens during a deep cleaning. 

The Dentist Cleans Your Teeth Over Two Sessions

It is incredibly common for a dentist to clean your teeth over two sessions rather than all of your mouth on the same day. This is because a deep cleaning is more involved and takes a longer amount of time, and it can be tiresome to sit in the dental chair with your mouth open for an extended period of time. 

The dentist will also numb your mouth before performing a deep cleaning. This is done with a topical gel or a local anesthetic injection. The dentist will only want to work on half of your mouth at a time so that you do not leave the office with your entire mouth feeling numb. 

The Dentist Will Likely Use An Ultrasonic Scaler

Expect your dentist to use an ultrasonic scaler to help get rid of all the tartar above and below your gums. This tool uses a combination of vibrations and water to break up the tartar so that it can be removed from your teeth. A suction tool is used to prevent your mouth from filling up with water during the process.

However, a dentist will likely still use a hand scaler to clean your teeth as well. They may even alternate between using both tools, with the ultrasonic scaler getting rid of the majority of the plaque. 

The Dentist May Take X-rays

Your dentist will want to confirm that they got rid of all the tartar that has formed underneath your gums. That's why they may take an x-ray to make sure that they got everything. Since a deep cleaning goes underneath the gums, it can be difficult to double-check every single spot. Thankfully, tartar is going to show up on an x-ray and indicate where the dentist needs to go back and get a spot that they missed.

Reach out to your dentist for more questions about a deep dental cleaning.  
