Why You May Feel Dental Pain During The Cold Months

Some people feel dental pain during the cold months when freezing air pass over their teeth. If you are one of those people, then you should educate yourself on the possible causes of the discomfort so that you can correct it. In most cases, cold air causes dental pain:

When It Contracts the Teeth

Your teeth, just like many other solids, contract when exposed to cold temperatures. When cold air enters the mouth, it causes your teeth to contract and exposes the sensitive roots below the gums. These parts of the teeth are more sensitive than the protective enamel, which is why you may feel pain when they are exposed to cold air.

When It Causes You to Clench the Jaws

Many people clench and grind their teeth when it gets cold. Unfortunately, clenching the teeth too much can cause them to hurt and may even induce headaches and jaw pain. This kind of discomfort tends to arise after prolonged exposure to the cold.

When It Passes Over Damaged Sections of the Teeth

As has already been explained, only the outermost layer of the teeth (the enamel) isn't (easily) affected by temperature extremes; the layers below can trigger your pain receptors if they are exposed to freezing temperatures. Unfortunately, dental diseases may damage the protective enamel and expose the sensitive parts of your teeth to the cold. Examples of such dental conditions include periodontal disease and dental cavities.

When It Passes Over Teeth That Aren't Properly Covered By

Dental treatments such as crowns and fillings are sometimes used to cover up diseased, missing or damaged parts of the teeth. Unfortunately, these treatments sometimes fall off, fail to fit properly or even loosen thereby exposing sensitive parts of the teeth. Therefore, if you are feeling pain or discomfort, and you have such dental treatments, it may be a sign that your dentist needs to look at the filling or crown.

If You Have Hypersensitive Teeth

Anything that erodes the protective enamel makes your teeth susceptible to cold weather pain. Some of the things that may cause the erosion include acidic drinks and food, bacterial attack, bruxism (chronic teeth grinding), acidic medicine, and ill-fitting orthodontics, among others. Such exposure makes the teeth hypersensitive to various stimuli, and not just cold air. If your teeth were already hypersensitive before the cold season, the pain may worsen once the cold begins to bite.

As you can see, dental pain during cold weather often means that there is and dental underlying problem. Consult your general dentistry professional for a diagnosis and treatment.
