4 Things To Bring With You To An Emergency Dental Appointment If You Are Pregnant

If you have a sudden toothache or experience oral trauma while you are pregnant, you may concerned about whether you should seek emergency treatment. Most dentists and obstetricians agree that pregnant women should receive necessary dental treatment throughout pregnancy. This usually includes treatment for infections, broken or cracked teeth, root canals, and extractions among other procedures. If you experience a severe toothache or oral trauma while pregnant, you should book an emergency appointment with a dentist as soon as possible. Below are some things you should bring with you to your emergency appointment. 

Your Obstetrician's or Midwife's Phone Number

In some cases, a dentist will require a note from your obstetrician or midwife confirming that they approve of dental treatment while you are pregnant. However, in the case of an emergency, you may not be able to get a note from your obstetrician or midwife before seeing a dentist. Make sure you bring your obstetrician or midwife's phone number or the hotline number for your pregnancy clinic if you are being treated by multiple doctors. This will allow your dentist to consult with your pregnancy care provider regarding treatment and medications if necessary. 

A List of Medications Your Obstetrician Has Approved for Use 

Many health care providers supply a thorough list of over the counter pain relievers that they recommend during pregnancy. If your provider has given you one of these lists or pamphlets, you should bring it with you to the dentist. This will allow your dentist to cross-reference the list with their preferred pain relievers to recommend the best treatment for you. However, keep in mind that your dentist may prescribe pain relievers not on your list due to the nature of oral pain. You may want to check with your pregnancy care provider before filling your prescription. 

Information About Your Current Progress 

Your dentist will want to know exactly how far along you are. You should be able to tell your dentist your current week of gestation so they can plan appropriate treatment for you. For example, they may limit x-rays during the first trimester but not the second. 

A Pillow for More Comfortable Treatment 

If you are well into your second or third trimester, sitting in a dental chair for a long period of time can be uncomfortable. You may want to bring a small pillow to place beneath you to support your back during the procedure. 

For more information, it may be good to call ahead to local dental clinics, like Mapletree Family Dentistry.
